Which marketing metric is used to analyze web traffic?

27 December 2022 By papmall®

It is worthwhile to put in a little extra work to track website performance indicators using Google Analytics if you have invested time, money, and effort into creating a superb website. Additionally, it is a simple-to-set-up, free tool.

A "page tag," or a piece of JavaScript code, is how Google Analytics collects information from site visitors. It gathers and saves data to a dashboard where configurable reports are generated, allowing you to track and see the outcomes.

The most popular metrics to search for include:

a. Traffic sources 

  • Paid social media marketing, such as Facebook advertisements and promos
  • Social media networks' organic content as well as other channels
  • Paid search, such as Google Ads, and SEM when someone clicks on a link to your website inside of an email
  • Direct traffic, or visitors who arrive to your website directly from a search engine

b. Per-Session Average Pageviews

The average pageviews per session metric determines how many pages are viewed on your website during a single session.

c. Bounce rate

The number of times a visitor departs your website and leaves without taking any further action or continues to view other pages on the same website is tracked by the bounce rate.

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