The 4 stages of data processing?

02 January 2023 By papmall®

There are exactly 6 stages of data processing including: 

  • Data collection

The initial stage in data processing is data collection. Data is gathered from various sources, such as data lakes and data warehouses. It is critical that the data sources accessible are reliable and well-constructed in order for the data collected (and later used as information) to be of the highest possible quality.

  • Data preparation

Data preparation, often known as "pre-processing," is the stage in which raw data is cleaned up and structured in preparation for data processing. Raw data is thoroughly verified for mistakes to get rid of bad data (redundant, incomplete, or erroneous data) and start creating high-quality data for the greatest business intelligence.

  • Data input

The clean data is then entered into the destination (which could be a CRM like Salesforce or a data warehouse like Redshift) and translated into a language that it understands. Data entry is the initial stage in which raw data is transformed into usable information.

  • Processing

The data entered into the computer in the previous stage is processed for interpretation at this stage. Machine learning techniques are used in the processing, albeit the procedure may vary slightly based on the source of data being processed (data lakes, social networks, connected devices, etc.) and its intended application (examining advertising patterns, medical diagnosis from connected devices, determining customer needs, etc.).

  • Data output

The output/interpretation stage is where non-data scientists can finally use the data. It is translated, legible, and frequently presented in the form of graphs, films, photos, plain text, and so on). Members of the organization or firm can now self-serve the data for their own data analytics projects.

  • Data storage

Storage is the ultimate stage of data processing. After all of the data has been analyzed, it is then saved for future use. While some information may be useful right away, most of it will be useful later. Furthermore, correctly maintained data is required for compliance with data protection legislation such as GDPR. As data is appropriately kept, individuals of the organization can quickly and readily access it when needed.

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