How to add animated GIFs to google slides?

18 February 2023 By papmall®

Instead of a still image, adding your Google Slide an animated GIF would make it more vibrant, interactive and interesting in front of your audience. Therefore, your presentation will become more understandable and memorable. Moreover, it can also help you clearly express your idea or opinion toward something in the most exact meaning you want.

In order to add an animated GIF to your Google Slide, you can follow these steps:

  • Open your Google Slide file.
  • Go to Insert => Image.
  • Click on “Upload from computer” if you already have the GIF file in your computer.
  • Click on “Search from the web” if you don’t have any GIF file available.
  • Click on “Drive” to upload the GIF file from your Drive.
  • Click on “By URL” if you have the link to a GIF on the internet. Then copy and paste the link to the box and click on “Insert Image”.
  • Adjust the position of the animated GIF as you like.
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