What is the role of a Character Animator?

28 February 2023 By papmall®

A 3D animator can do a pretty good job being a character animator. Through the character’s gestures, facial expressions, and interactions with other objects (and responses) with their surroundings and other characters, they give 3D characters depth and personality of their own.

A freelance Character Animation's job is to create animations that are credible, interesting, and relatable by taking rigged 3D characters and giving them a "human" quality through emotion, position, body language, etc,.. to arouse the player's or audience's empathy. These may include people, animals, vehicles, robots (WALL-E), insects (Bug's Life), and more. For this role, having a solid grasp of acting as well as knowledge of human and animal anatomy is essential to developing sympathetic, realistic characters. Motion capture is a popular technique used by character animators, as is having the actors perform the sequences in front of the camera. Films, TV shows, commercials, and video games all use character animators.

Freelance character animators in movies and video games have the following roles and duties:

  • Giving 3D rigged character models "life".
  • Researching for each project's specific aesthetic style, genre, and technology.
  • Capturing the motion is used to improve performance.
  • Recognizing important scenes and sequences.
  • Storyboards are turned into animation sequences.
  • Taking care of files, libraries of animation, and updating process documentation.
  • Combining audio and synchronizing conversation.
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