What does a project manager do?

09 January 2023 By papmall®

Project managers (PMs) are in charge of organizing, planning, and guiding the execution of particular projects for an organization while making sure that these projects are completed on time, within budget, and within the intended scope. Project managers have the power to influence an organization's trajectory by managing complicated projects from start to finish, which can help save costs, enhance business efficiencies, handle any unwanted issues, and boost revenue.

A project manager's specific responsibilities will vary depending on the sort of projects they are in charge of managing as well as their industry, company, and place of employment. But generally speaking, project managers are responsible for five phases (or processes) that make up what is known as the "project life cycle":

  • Initiating
  • Planning
  • Implementing 
  • Closing 
  • Monitoring

Though it could be tempting, these aren't "steps" in the traditional sense. Project managers instead frequently go back to these procedures throughout the course of a project. Each stage of the project life cycle is examined in greater detail below, along with the many duties that a project manager could be expected to perform during each.

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