How do you design an infographic?

22 December 2022 By papmall®

1. Select your preferred infographic template.

Find an infographic design that perfectly represents your data. Here are some typical infographic templates to visualize the story you want the data to tell:

  • Comparison Infographic: This design can highlight the differences between two concepts, helping viewers to distinguish various types of agents related to a topic.
  • Flowchart Infographic: This infographic design is perfect for illustrating a new workflow or a linear or cyclical process across an organization. It is a good fit for explaining how work gets done to your team.
  • Timeline Infographic: A timeline takes your customers on a journey where they can see how an idea came to be and has evolved. It helps tell a history story, gives information about something in the past, showcases what happens in the project and technology development in different phases.
  • Graph-based Infographic: This infographic design efficiently communicates dense and complicated facts and figures through information blocks and includes various forms, such as pie charts, bar graphs, and line graphs, depending on your content type.
  • Image-heavy Infographic: A picture worth a thousand words. This design leverages the power of images to decode a high volume of data and statistics for simple and transparent understanding.
  • Anatomy: It is a great way to break down technical information or present hidden elements of something. This infographic design is perfect for describing an engine, the human body, or other subjects that require close inspection.
  • How-To: A how-to or process infographic is a step-by-step guide on how something works or how to use something properly.

2. Identify the audience for your infographic.

Infographic design alone cannot keep your brand afloat. You need to deliver the information your target audience will appreciate, and to do that, you need to know who they are.

Infographic design is different from others in that it contains data. Hence, identifying the audience will help you determine which format to use, whether to add jargon or how detailed your infographics should go into.

A freelance infographic design service will typically create data visualizations for five different audiences: novice, generalist, managerial, expert, and executive. Begin by comparing your infographic's ideal reader to one of these five audiences - which one does your reader fit into?

When considering the data you want to visualize, consider the five audiences listed above to determine how advanced your data will be. For example:

  • A novice audience may require to have a clear idea of what the information means.
  • A generalist may wish to grasp a concept's big picture.
  • A managerial audience may need to understand how different groups interact with one another.
  • An expert may be more interested in using your figures to cement their theories.

Meanwhile, an executive is more like a novice audience in that they only have time for the most basic or important aspects and its impact on the business.

3. Collect your content and relevant data.

The next step is to organize all the content and data you'll use in the infographic design. You can collect either data from outside sources or your original data, just like how you would do for other great content.

  • Choose your data. Compelling data must be "comprehensive" enough to provide proper context for the data you're presenting to your readers. For example, a surge in website traffic after a long-time decline suggests a story about how you turn a negative trend around.
  • Organize data. When gathering data, consider what story you want to tell with this type of information. Data for the sake of data is either completely misleading or useless.
  • Cite your sources. One of the great ways to include an URL linking to your website at the end of your infographic. As a result, your infographic will appear clean and professional, and people can access the source from wherever they are.
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