How to get started with content marketing?

01 December 2022 By papmall®

Successful content marketing will not only increase revenue for your business, but it will also help your brand gain credibility and authority, which eventually benefits your entire company. So, here are four steps to help you get started with content marketing:

  1. Find your audience and where to approach them:

That is the audience/customer group that your channel, product, or service targets. For example, is the audience male or female, what age group do they belong to, and what profession is their favorite? And, most importantly, are they interested in what you are about to show them?

The audience on Facebook is not the same as the audience on Linked In, nor is it the same as the audience on YouTube or the website. Hence, you should find a platform that targets your potential customers, as it will affect your writing style, content length, and advertising strategy.

  1. Choose what to write:

Return to your original goal after understanding your customer. What is the purpose of these? There are generally three goals - the first is to drive sales, the second is to increase interaction, and the last is to build a brand. Of course, these goals can coexist in one content marketing plan, but there is always one main goal.

  1. Choose what to focus on:

  • To generate sales. Instead of thinking about how to write well, think about how you can resolve the problems customers may face. Providing the right solution for your clients is a simple yet effective content marketing approach.
  • To boost interaction. Identify the targets' interests and behaviors, then employ engaging content marketing formats, such as gift giving (minigame, giveaway, document sharing), trending posts (write about a trend/character/event), and content that stimulates emotions. Remember to direct your CTA to get customers to like, share, or leave comments.
  • To establish a brand. Make your brand a thought leader! That is, you must highlight your brand's characteristics and properties to establish a link between brand character, customer feelings, and community value. You should also avoid focusing too much on the product's rationality.

  1. Create an outline:

Content marketing writers usually think of the content in their heads; however, if you lack professionalism, try outlining the layout of your article. Typically, there will be no exact outline but an appropriate adjustment to achieve the desired effect. However, it should always include the following parts:

  • A title (to encourage customers to keep reading the article).
  • Links between the title and the article.
  • The main content will want to promote products, brands, and program implementation.
  • Invitation to action to direct customers to your desired interaction.
  • Contact details that readers can easily connect.

The key takeaway is that content marketing must be consistent with what your target audience is interested in and with the business goals, coming in clear written form, and offering tons of good, unified content that stays true to your brand's personality.

Building your content empire is a long journey, sure you will learn more about your customers and the content that works along the way. That said, content marketing services help resolve any problems that arise from not seeking help from the outset, which is why papmall® exists.

Our platform is where freelance content marketing writers gather to help your brand become more recognizable through bespoke strategies. Go find your perfect partner and kick-start your dream today!

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