How much do freelancers charge for logo design?

27 December 2022 By papmall®

The logo is an indispensable part of a businesses branding strategy. That's why this service is always in high demand in the marketing industry. And the increase in demand leads to the invention of the service in various categories, forms, and levels of the designers. Therefore the price of freelance logo design services also varíes in many different aspects, such as how experienced the designer is, the time spent, the turnaround time, revision rounds, the complexity of the design, the time the business wants it to be delivered, etc.

On average, a freelance logo design service can be charged from $100 - $500 for a novice, to $5,000 - $10,000 if you want it from a professional one.

At this point, you may wonder whether the logo design services are worth these prices or not. Then you are not alone. Fortunately, there are several ecommerce websites on the market that enable you to hire freelance designers at an affordable price. 

papmall® is an international ecommerce platform that provides creative services specifically for small and medium businesses. With a worldwide community of freelancers in all fields of marketing such as Digital Marketing, Programing & Tech, Translation & Writing, Music & Audios, and, etc. and of course, Graphic Design, businesses can easily and quickly find for themselves a perfect logo designer with experience, skill sets, knowledge and designing style that match with their requirements. So next time you want a logo for your business, you know where to get it from.

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