How to find your brand voice?

09 January 2023 By papmall®

The main purpose of the brand voice & tone is to add in more personality and characteristics to the brand itself for better attracting and communicationwith the customers. So, When creating a brand voice and tone, make sure it will be interacting and communicating to them directly, instead of talking about or talking for them. That way, the potential customers will feel more connected to the brand and more likely to purchase goods from it.

Here how you will do it:

  • Stick to your brand’s style guide to figure out the personality and characteristics of your brand;
  • Rely on the value, the mission and vision of your brand to come up with the voice & tone that can make the brand stand out from the crowd;
  • Rely on your brand’s target audience to choose the language and way of talking that is the most persuasive to them; 
  • Choose to exactly describe your brand voice and tone in three adjectives;
  • Create your brand voice & tone guidelines with Do and Don’t lists of your voice and tone to consistently use it in the public;
  • When everything goes out of your hands, try reaching out to an expert who is experienced in creating brand voice & tone.
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