How to become a video game concept artist?

09 January 2023 By papmall®

You can master the skills and obtain the expertise required to be a great video game concept artist with the correct amount of effort, devotion, and practice. If you apply for this type of position, a hiring manager will check for a variety of attributes in your application. Here are the 04 steps to become a video game artist:

  • Get a degree in art.

While a bachelor's degree in an art discipline is not necessary for all video game concept artist positions, it can help you develop vital design abilities and demonstrate that you have proper art training. You can learn how to create figures on a two-dimensional sheet or screen that appear three-dimensional by studying light, shadow, composition, anatomy, proportion, perspective, and texture. You can also learn about artistic subjects and genres throughout history and cultures and develop your own artistic style.

  • Experiment with design software.

A video game concept artist must be digitally literate in this day and age. Because many game developers utilize software to design and create game characters and worlds, a concept artist must be able to make digital renderings of their designs. Consider learning how to use graphics, editing, and effects to make yourself a more appealing job candidate. While sketching ideas on paper might be useful, digital drawing and painting can make your work more precise and portable.

  • Create a portfolio.

A portfolio, or collection of your proudest professional-level work, is essential for promoting yourself as a game concept artist. Many firms request that job applicants present a portfolio along with their application. You can show potential employers your portfolio to demonstrate your style, originality, and expertise. If you're applying for a specific position, include pieces in your portfolio that demonstrate the subject matter and genre that the hiring business is looking for. Make sure to include any particularly stunning work, such as realistic mechanical and industrial concepts, in your portfolio.

  • Work as a full-time employee

Applying for work in a video game company's art department will help you obtain valuable expertise in the video game art and production fields. It can also help you establish your portfolio and hone your artistic abilities. You might meet more experienced video game experts who can serve as mentors and provide references for other opportunities. You might also think about finding your own company and working as a freelance artist.

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