What is Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and how does it work?

01 December 2022 By papmall®

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is the act of doing marketing on a search engine using several marketing methods including Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay Per Click (PPC), in order to achieve specific marketing purposes including improving one's position in search results on Google and other comparable websites.

Let’s see how Search Engine Marketing (SEM) functions:

Paid search advertising, a component of Search Engine Marketing (SEM), places sponsored links above and to the right of organic results to increase visibility. For instance, a client wishes to conduct an online search for a good or service. Following that, he enters his search terms into a search engine (also known as keywords). He finds many firm advertisements on the search results page whose keywords correspond to the search terms he entered. Along with other organic search results for his keywords, these adverts are displayed prominently on the page. Because paid ads are more prominently displayed than organic listings, the customer is more likely to click on them.

Since the high demand of the market and the trend of remote working are rising in recent times, Search Engine Marketing services are now can be delivered by freelancers as well. Business owners can look for freelance search engine marketing services on any eCommerce platform on the internet in the most convenient and easiest way possible.

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