What is an architecture design?

21 December 2022 By papmall®

Architectural design is a process of designing and arranging components in a space, spanning from the overall of the structure, the shape, the dimensions, the interior & exterior, etc. to the details like power supply, and electrical system to the lighting system, water supply, and ventilation system that based on the principles of the aesthetics and technical characteristics, as well as the fundamentals of construction, to create a beautiful utilizing space that also meets functional requirements. 

The main focuses of architecture design services are aesthetics and functionality. A building has to satisfy the client's taste and budget, stand the test of time, and adhere to building codes and regulatory standards. However, freelance architecture design is not only a utility-linked task. It is also a fine art that evokes a sense of wonder and breathes new life into a gray world. 

Many people keep believing that eliminating architectural design will save them money, which is not true because the value of a set of design documents accounts for only about 3% of a project's total value. Architecture design services can accurately measure the investment costs, helping to avoid the excessive use of steel or concrete, which comes from a lack of calculation during the technical design stage.

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