What makes good packaging design?

01 December 2022 By papmall®

Unique is one of the most important aspects of good packaging. However, it is important for a product to compete in the ruthless retail space, packaging must do more than just catch the eye. The things make good packaging design are:

  • Function: The most beautiful package in the world is useless if it cannot hold, protect, or preserve the product inside. Don't forget about functionality and usability: is the package easy to pick up and open? Is it possible to reseal it? These things are extremely important.
  • Clarity: The best packaging is simple and refined: it announces the product and then moves on. Cluttered labels are confusing; overly designed shapes are unnecessary and can repel customers who are unsure how it works. It's great to be unique, but don't package bleach in what looks like a soda bottle - it won't help anyone.
  • Genuineness: This means that your package should not deceive the customer - don't make it larger than the product or include photographs that differ from what's inside the box. Setting unrealistic expectations is the polar opposite of a wise sales strategy: good brands and packaging inspire loyalty, and honesty is an important component of that relationship.
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