Why is Search Engine Marketing important?

01 December 2022 By papmall®

Here are reasons why Search Engine Marketing is important for your business:

1. Raising Brand Awareness

SEM can help with brand awareness even though it is a channel for bottom-funnel marketing. Brand names are prominently displayed at the top of search results pages even when advertisements are not clicked, and visitors may still read or recognize the advertised good or service, brand name, or URL when they view the advertising.

2. Focusing more on conversion

Revenue isn't always the main purpose of marketing efforts; additional conversions/goals that a company can be interested in include new subscribers, newsletter signups, contest participation, etc. For any kind of marketing effort, SEM serves as the primary conversion driver. This is because most sponsored advertisements connect to landing pages designed to increase conversions and guide visitors through the sales process.

3. Using SEM in Local Marketing

Local businesses benefit from an advantage that Google gives them via SEM results. They are more visible thanks to local SEM ads when it comes to bringing in actual foot traffic to their nearby establishments. Inexplicable traffic fluctuations are commonplace in the internet world. SEM can be used to streamline the amount of traffic going to a site and generate consistent traffic for specific keywords to help offset some of the confusion.

4. Attracting more Qualified Leads

SEM may help you build a personalized audience that will be far more likely to see and interact with your advertising than the average searcher, unlike organic search results. At any point in the sales funnel, SEM enables you to target particular demographics as well as website visitors.

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