How to create Lottie's animation?

09 March 2023 By papmall®

To create a Lottie animation, you will need to follow these steps:

  • Design the animation: Create the design and animation using Adobe After Effects or another animation software. Keep in mind that Lottie supports vector shapes and masks, so it's important to use vector-based software for the best results.
  • Export the animation: Once the animation is complete, export it as an After Effects file with the Bodymovin plugin, which is a tool that exports animations to Lottie format. The plugin can be downloaded for free from the official website.
  • Convert the animation to Lottie: Upload the exported file to the LottieFiles website, which is a platform that converts After Effects animations to Lottie format. The website also provides a variety of animation templates and assets that can be used in the animation.
  • Integrate the animation into the website: Once the animation is converted to Lottie format, it can be integrated into the website using the Lottie player library, which is a JavaScript library that allows Lottie animations to be played on the web. The library can be downloaded for free from the official website.

If you are not familiar with animation software or would like a professional to create the animation for you, you can hire a freelance Lottie animator from a platform like Upwork or Fiverr. They can create a custom Lottie animation tailored to your website's needs.

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