How long should a blog post be for SEO?

01 December 2022 By papmall®

According to the latest policy in terms of SEO content of the biggest search engine in the world - Google, the most perfect length of an SEO article will be more than 1,200 words in order for the Google algorithm (or the Google bots) to crawl in, index, and rank the post on the Search Engine Result Page (SERP). Besides the number of words, SEO marketing also includes what the blog is all about, the number of keywords in a post, how well it is structured, how relevant the content of the post is to the topic and a few more.

Articles & Blog posts services can also be delivered by freelancers with high-quality content at an affordable price. Therefore, if you want to launch freelance articles & blog post services to better promote your business, remember that you have more than one option to decide on.

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