How to estimate the budget for mobile app marketing?

22 February 2023 By papmall®

You can estimate the budget for a freelance mobile app marketing service by following these steps:

  • Step 1: Examine Your Marketing Funnel

The first thing you should do is examine your marketing funnel. This refers to the full process a user goes through before installing your mobile app. If you haven't tracked consumers previously as they progress through the marketing funnel, it's still crucial to evaluate the process and observe what this trip looks like.

The awareness phase of app marketing occurs when a potential user first becomes aware that your app exists. The interest stage occurs when they consider purchasing an app or comparable item in your category to remedy a pain point or address a need.

When consumers reach the desired stage of the funnel, they have begun to lean toward a specific option or brand.

When users ultimately decide to download and install the app on their mobile devices, they are in the action stage.

  • Step 2: Establish Your Objectives

Many of us believe that the purpose of any marketing campaign is to get people to download an app. While this is true in many circumstances, it should not be your whole emphasis.

Some mobile apps, for example, want to sign users up for monthly or annual subscriptions. Others want the app to be an extension of an e-commerce site, driving tangible product transactions.

Both of these scenarios would have quite different marketing techniques and, as a result, spending priorities. Setting SMART goals for your app marketing is in your best interests. This forces you to consider more than "we want people to download our app," which will position you for long-term success.

  • Step 3: Consider Other Operating Costs

As previously stated, marketing is only a small part of the overall picture. After launch, you still have a complete app to create and maintain. These operations for a freelance mobile app marketing service are actually not free.

You must include developer fees, design charges, servers, utilities, subscriptions, and all other backend costs related to app development. Are you hiring an office or other physical location for your company? Do you have to pay someone to manage or develop content for your website?

  • Step 4: Determine Your Profitable Marketing Channels

Which platforms or campaigns on such platforms produce the best results? How are these channels addressing your previously stated objectives?

In the beginning, you will need to test several marketing techniques and channels. However, you will eventually wish to eliminate the ones that aren't profitable. You can begin with email advertisements, search advertisements, or paid social media advertisements. Then you can go on to longer-term techniques, such as organic search via content production.

You should also test tiny changes in campaigns within these profitable marketing channels. You could, for example, do A/B tests on your search ads, email promos, or app landing pages.

  • Step 5: Contrast Your Marketing Budget With Other Mobile App KPIs.

Your marketing campaigns do not exist in isolation. So, in addition to the results and metrics from each campaign, you should look at other KPIs to get the whole picture. This will also assist you in identifying anomalies or events that may contribute to the achievement of your goal.

Check out this post for a list of the top app KPIs and metrics to monitor. All of this will make much more sense once you've narrowed down the metrics that can influence your marketing strategy.

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