What are 3 types of portrait photography?

17 December 2022 By papmall®
  • The Head Shot

These photos only show the face or a portion of the body from the shoulder up. It is the type that most depicts facial expressions. The angle of light falling upon the subject is critical for this type of shooting. 

Oblique light shining from the side or the top shows wrinkles and rough edges. So, to remove wrinkles and smoothen facial complexions, freelance portrait photographers prefer cloudy days when the sunlight spreads evenly without casting shadows on the model's face.

  • The Half Body Shot

The upper body portrait is less personal than close-ups because the subject's face and eyes are not in focus. Upper torso portraits are frequently easier to capture because the sitter does not feel pressured being "pointed" at, as in a close-up shot, and they allow for some background.

This is the most common type of portrait for individual or group photoshoots. A 90mm fixed focal length lens is ideal for this portraiture, but if the subject group consists of five or six people, a wider angle may be required. The half body shot is perfect for major life events such as graduations, weddings, birthdays, holidays, etc.

  • The Full Body Shot

The full-body portraits tell stories about the subjects' daily activities, such as work or recreation. Photojournalists use these shots to cover specific scenes and show reality. This genre of freelance portraits is also great for black-and-white photos.

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