How to write your skills on a resume?

26 December 2022 By papmall®

In resume writing, it is imperative to include skills you are capable of and directly related to the position you are applying for. You should frame your skill set to match job descriptions. The more relevant they are, the better your chances of getting shortlisted will be. Let’s learn how to showcase your skills in a resume writing service.

The best way to discern what to highlight is by reading the job description, researching the company and its work culture, then asking yourself these four questions:

  • Is this position suitable for me/match with my vision?
  • Do my skills match the requirements of the job?
  • Do I have such abilities?
  • Does this job have a potential development path?

By answering these questions, you are off to a good start. Some skills will even do you good regardless of your resume writing. Here are a few examples:

  • Hard skills and soft skills.

Hard skills (data analysis, project management, etc.) are skills that you learned in school or that are measurable. Soft skills, on the other hand, are much harder to quantify. These skills include communicating, working, interacting with others, and self-learning in leadership, problem-solving, time management, and so on over time.

  • Technical and adaptive skills.

Technical ability is the skill set required to perform a specific job. Some skills are acquired through study and training, while others are developed through on-the-job experience.

Adaptive skills are abilities that you can cultivate to survive and thrive in the workplace. Because the work environment can be unpredictable, employers appreciate the ability to work despite changes when hiring for a new role.

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