What are the 5 types of illustration?

01 December 2022 By papmall®

Illustration is the art of illustrating things that can clearly convey the ideas, opinion, a person, a story, etc in a unique or attractive way. There are several ways to classify illustration into small categories, and each types has many different types as well: The popular types of illustration are:

  1. Based on the tools/techniques used: pencil illustration, watercolor illustration, charcoal illustration, color pencil illustration, ink illustration, woodcut illustration, acrylic illustration, digital illustration, etc.
  2. Based on the object used to take model: Book illustration, Children’s book illustration, people illustration, Caricatures,
  3. Based on the drawing styles: Realistic, Line Art, Comics and Cartoons, Sketch, Chibi, Pixel Art, Vector Art, Doodle, Graffiti, Pop Art, Technical, Calligraphy, Retro, Vintage, etc.
  4. Based on the concept of storytelling: Narrative illustration, Decorative illustration, Informative illustration, and Conceptual illustration, abstract illustration.
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