How long should e-commerce product videos be?

09 March 2023 By papmall®

The length of an e-commerce product video can vary from 30 seconds to 2 minutes depending on several factors, including the complexity of the product, the target audience, the message, and the platform the video is being shown on.

For complex products, a longer video (1-2 minutes) may be necessary to demonstrate all of the features and benefits. For simpler products, a shorter video (30 seconds to 1 minute) may be sufficient.

It's also important to consider the attention span of the target audience and the platform. For example, a video on a social media platform like Instagram or TikTok might be shorter (15-30 seconds) because users are more likely to be scrolling quickly through their feed, while a video on a product page on an e-commerce website could be longer (1-2 minutes) because users are more likely to be focused on the product and actively considering a purchase.

The goal should be to provide a compelling and engaging overview of the product, while also highlighting its key features and benefits.

papmall® is a fantastic resource for locating freelancers who can provide quick e-commerce product video services, and it can provide a quick, easy, and affordable solution to create high-quality video material for your marketing campaigns.

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