How long should you listen to meditation music?

06 February 2023 By papmall®

How long you should meditate for and how frequently you should meditate has been advised in a variety of ways. Although some sources recommend doing an hour a day, you might not have that much time. You can discover suggestions on how long to meditate for, as well as how frequently, below.

Clinical mindfulness therapies, like Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), often advise 40–45 minutes of daily meditation practice. Twenty minutes, twice daily, is frequently advised by the Transcendental Meditation (TM) tradition. 20-minute meditation sessions are also frequently advised in interventions based on the Relaxation Response (Benson, 1975). Monks and nuns in Tibetan monasteries have conducted shamata meditation (a breath-focused meditation) for 10-15 minutes at a time for centuries. This was done by the nuns and monks multiple times each day. However, these suggested figures are not particularly miraculous.

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