What is video marketing?

01 December 2022 By papmall®

Video marketing services are the use of videos to promote a brand, to sell a product or service, to increase engagement on digital and social platforms, to educate consumers and customers, and to reach out to enlarge a business’s audience segment.

With the advent of YouTube in 2005, video marketing took off in earnest. Google purchased YouTube in October 2006, and by 2009, the platform had seven different ad forms.

Marketers are becoming increasingly interested in creating quality videos as technology improves. But it isn't the only reason video is becoming the most popular method of communication.

The advent of smartphone technology, for example, made watching films easier and more convenient. The epidemic then increased internet media consumption in the United States by 215%.

Customers are able to find video marketing services on papmall® that are provided by skilled freelancers. This platform is a community of global freelancers where users can find their in-need business solutions from Marketing, Business to IT Programm. It has become one of the most used ecommerce marketplaces that provides international creative services, including freelance video marketing services at the best price for SMBs in America, Canada, Singapore, and Hong Kong.

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