How do you become a pattern designer?

01 December 2022 By papmall®

Understanding the elements of graphic design and being able to create beautiful, trendy patterns is obviously an important part of being a surface designer, but there's so much more to it. The exact tasks involved in surface design work vary depending on the product you're designing and whether you work for a company or are a freelancer; however, there are some pretty standard things you'll likely do in this role, such as

  • Research and planning: Surface designers must planning and research in advance because they are designed for products that will be sold by brands and retailers. This is necessary to ensure that the designs they produce are in keeping with any current trends, themes, or collections that are influencing their work.
  • Sketching: As a preliminary phase, surface designers frequently hand-sketch their images. This aids in the pattern's creation and offers a chance to tweak concepts before they are digitally created. In order to produce a seamless print, the drawings are then either redrawn or live-traced onto the computer.
  • Refining: Before being submitted for approval, digital illustrations are polished and improved. Depending on the comments, the design might be ready for printing right away or it can take some back-and-forth to perfect the pattern.
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