What is the layout of an email?

22 December 2022 By papmall®

Email layout is about optimizing various elements, such as fonts and sizes, graphics, and section breaks, to get your point across and catch the reader's eye.The layout of an email guides the point of gaze. When you open an email, your eyes subconsciously travel between different sections as the email rolls out.

Generally, email design layouts fall into two main groups:

  1. Single Column: Because of its simplicity, this is the most common layout used by email designers. Your eyes follow a standard path from top to bottom, never getting distracted by relevant information.
  2. Two Columns: As the name reveals, two text elements will be arranged in separate columns. There are also two sub-variants of a two-column layout. If you cannot predict which platform the recipient will use to access your emails, you will want to make sure your email design looks great, whatever the client.
  3. F-shaped Layout: Users begin by reading horizontally, usually across the top of the content area. Then they scan the lower half of the page until they decide where to go next. This path resembles the letter F.
  4. Zig Zag path: The elements in this email design layout are arranged in a zig-zag pattern, which breaks up the monotony of the design and gives the appearance of a stacked pile of content.

An email design service usually includes A/B testing to determine the best matches for your brand. Some layout designs you can explore more are the inverted pyramid, Gutenberg diagram, and hybrid.

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