What is an online database example?

06 February 2023 By papmall®

A database is a structured collection of information that can be easily accessed, managed, and updated. Bibliographies, full-text, numeric, and image content are what you can find in databases. You can access an online database through a network, and the most common example being the internet, as opposed to a local database held on a computer that is only connected to an internal network or a computer.

The advantage of using online database service s over traditional software is that they can be tailored to your specific needs. As your company expands, you can modify your database structure and adapt the platform to meet your unprecedented demands.

Now let’s get to some examples of well-known databases that are available for free as a test version:

  • Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a cloud computing platform that includes a set of hosted services for computing, hosting, and developing applications that run on Google hardware. Software developers, administrators, or IT professionals can access it via the internet or a network connection.

  • Microsoft SQL Server

SQL Server software is mainstream because it is optimized to run on large database environments containing up to Tera - Bytes while serving thousands of users. In addition, this application supports a variety of SQL programming styles, including ANSI SQL (Traditional SQL), SQL, and T-SQL (Transaction-SQL).

  • Oracle Database

Oracle Database is another well-known relational database. Its primary responsibilities include application development and data warehousing. You have two options for a free online database: Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing and Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse. The database storage space is limited to 20 GB in both cases.

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