What does an industrial designer do?

27 December 2022 By papmall®

An industrial designer is the one who is in charge of designing a product based on the required functions, usages, benefits, target users, and production technology of the company. Industrial designers conceive how a product might be used by people and come up with the design that looks and operates the best. A product designer is in charge of various tasks, from creating new products, innovating an existing one, adding in more functions, etc.

Industrial designers frequently collaborate with engineers, production experts, and marketing professionals to determine the feasibility of their concepts, and to apply their colleagues' professional experience to their designs. For example, industrial designers may collaborate with marketing experts to develop strategies for marketing innovative product designs to consumers.

Industrial designers nowadays rely heavily on technology. They sketch concepts using computer-aided design software (CAD) since computers make it simple to make modifications and illustrate alternatives. If they work for a factory, they may also utilize computer-aided industrial design software (CAID) to develop machine-readable instructions that inform other machines how to construct the product.

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