What are the steps to developing a content marketing strategy?

01 December 2022 By papmall®

1. Look into popular keywords

Since 2010, Google has secretly removed keyword data, which is why many marketers believe keywords are no longer relevant, but they are not. We've been searching the same way for a long time, and Google's interpretation of our content hasn't changed.

As a result, keywords remain critical for achieving content marketing objectives. Long-tail and short-tail keywords have different levels of competition and produce different marketing results.

2. Look for related keywords

Choosing a focused keyword is essential, but you don't want to rely on just one. You should include related keywords in your content to help Google better understand your writing. Google must examine a massive amount of data. Because many keywords have dual meanings, Google can determine which type of search intent to target with a list of seed keywords.

3. Create a content guideline:

Create a content marketing spreadsheet that will serve as a template for any future piece of content you create. The spreadsheet should include the key, related keywords, and other relevant information. It allows you to share your ideas with team members, receive feedback, and schedule content publication. If you need your content to be well-organized, do not skip this step.

4. Create a rough outline

An outline aids in the organization of your article and prevents you from forgetting what you want to cover. To make the best use of the outline, add it into your master spreadsheet, and label each topic with the suitable heading tag.

5. Complete your first draft

Jot down everything, even if it doesn't make sense. A lot of good articles start with a bad draft. You may use WordPress, Google Docs, or even hire freelance content marketing services. After finishing your draft, set it aside for a day or two before returning to revise. You may work with an editor who can point out logical leaps or other writing errors for a better result.

6. Make a publication and promotion schedule

Because consistency is essential, plan your content calendar for the next couple of weeks or months. If you upload every Thursday, your readers will know when to check and will not miss your content. You could publish three times per day, every day, or once per weekday. Furthermore, re-sharing your most recent content on social media and emailing people mentioned in each article can help you reach a much larger audience.

7. Implement internal linking

Internal links help your content rank higher in search results and keep visitors on your site longer. You don't want visitors to abandon your site after reading your article. Instead, you want them to go deeper into your website. When adding new content, revisit older articles and include relevant links to your most recent publications.

8. CTA

Calls to action (CTAs) play a crucial role in turning visitors into leads. Marketers can place CTA buttons wherever they want on their website as long as it is attractive. A click-worthy CTA can entice them to click and proceed to the next stage, such as filling out a short contact form or pre-ordering a product.

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