What are the rules of creative writing?

04 January 2023 By papmall®

Though creativity is freedom, creative writing is not writing in free styles. Instead, a good piece of creative writing also needs to follow a set of rules for it to reach to and gain the heart of the target audience.

  1. Containing the blood and thunder: A story without any drama or the climax is often considered by viewers as boring and less attractive than those that contain them.
  2. Being target-audience-oriented: Writing a sci-fi book without any term in the sci-fi genre is the worst way to fail your audience’s expectations from the beginning.
  3. Adding in your own style: Every masterpiece has its own style of writing, and it’s the unique style of the author that defines if a creative writing product is distinctive enough among other similar work.
  4. Determining the ending in prior: Deciding on the ending before you finish the writing will help you have an objective to aim at, to stay on the rail, and to sketch out the most appropriate methods/plan to arrive at your end point. This way, you will not lose your initial key point/idea while in the middle of the creation process.
  5. Make as many mistakes as you can: Mistakes are part of the process. We make mistakes more often when changing a single point in our creation process. Being in pressure of not making mistakes will only lead to paralysis and can actually harm our ability to be creative.

Starting over again is never too late: Being stuck at a random point in the process is considered a normal thing that will happen to everyone. Whenever you are unable to untie a twist or struggle to overcome a problem in your writing, feel free to start over again. That way, you may be able to come up with a better idea when you are free from any type of pressure and difficulty, for creativity is the product of a mind in freedom.

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