What are the four types of data processing?

02 January 2023 By papmall®

04 types of data processing are:

  • Manual Data Processing

The manual data processing approach involves data entry professionals manually recording and processing data through ledgers, paper record systems, and other manual data entry processes. Manual data entry, despite being one of the first data processing methods, is expensive, time-consuming, error-prone, and labor-intensive.

Consider a corporation where employee admittance is only permitted by signing a ledger rather than today's access cards.

  • Mechanical Data Processing

Mechanical data processing involves the use of mechanical instruments such as typewriters, mechanical printers, and other devices to process data. Despite being faster than manual data processing, it began to fade with successive evolutions.

  • Electronic Data Processing

Electronic data processing (EDP) began with the invention of computers in 1980. In EDP, the computer automatically processes data based on predefined instructions from data professionals.

Spreadsheets, for example, were widely used to record student grades at the time. Despite being more accurate, dependable, and faster than its predecessor, this data processing technology still required data professionals for manual data entry and calculations.

  • Batch Data Processing

Batch data processing is the process of processing data by applying actions to many data sets with a single command. In spreadsheets, for example, data entry specialists can enter the formula for a single cell and apply it to the entire column. This kind of data processing reduces processing time and can accomplish a sequence of activities without the need for human participation.

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