What are the 6 principles of good menu planning?

01 December 2022 By papmall®

Menu planning is the process of deciding on what food and drink will be served, the portions, the types of food, and also the time of serving. Menu planning is made following 6 principles :

  • Adequacy: Make sure the menu is giving enough nutrients for the eaters.
  • Balance: Make sure all the major food groups are present in the meal, including fruits, vegetables, grains, protein food, and dairy.
  • Moderation: Make sure the meals serve enough but not too much intake of some food.
  • Calorie control: Make sure the food in the menu will serve enough and appropriate amount of energy for the people who it serves.
  • Variety: Make sure the meal serves a variety of food instead of the same food all the time.
  • Nourishment: Make sure the meal brings joy and a positive mood to eaters with a nice look and eating experience.
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