What are the 3 styles of email?

22 December 2022 By papmall®

Email design is designing and producing an email that is creative and appealing to your company's target audience, especially your current email subscribers and clients. For that reason, papmall® will highlight three main types of emails that a freelance email design service uses to capture the attention of your customers and prospects.

1. Email Newsletters

The newsletter is a one-time communication that sends tailored messages to customers for marketing purposes, providing information such as account details, product updates, etc. When done correctly, this type of email design can help expand brand awareness.

2. Transactional Emails

Transactional emails are email receipts, invoices, billing statements, and order confirmations triggered by a specific action. They are an excellent opportunity to redirect a routine message to your website. Your customers want them, so you are responsible for implementing calls to action, branding, and legibility.

3. Behavioral Emails

Behavioral emails are messages that suit a user's actions. Simply put, behavioral email is about personalization. You can tailor your emails to where your customers are in the buying cycle by getting to know them and creating buyer personas.

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