Is coding hard to learn?

05 January 2023 By papmall®

Before they even join online coding lessons, many believe coding is abstract or is only for the smartest person in the room. Like anything new, it is not easy to start, but coding is generally not difficult to learn. 

At first, more than 90% of people are attuned to panic when they see a source file with a hundred lines. Of course, jumping into complex programming languages will give you a hard time during the learning process. 

Instead, start with simple problems and break them into tiny pieces so you can solve them step by step. With enough practice, you will remember the language elements you use often. Later on, as you grasp the programming language, it will get easier to pick up. 

With computer science hitting new highs, the education industry has risen to meet the rising demand for software developers, offering online coding lessons open to everyone. In case you are not willing to put in the work, a free coding service can be a valuable way to bridge the skills gap.

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