How to start writing a book for beginners?

09 January 2023 By papmall®

The process of writing a book usually has 8 phrases, including planning, drafting, sharing, evaluating, revising, editing, publishing, and promoting .

As a newbie, you may or may not have the most excellent ideas in the world to begin with.But if you are well-prepared, the best reward will be a book of your own that you don’t even know you can achieve. 

Below are a few tips that we recommend you follow as a beginner. Every step is essential and cannot be left out of the process.

  1. Read as much as you want to learn from other authors;

  2. Research as much as you want to get yourself free from any unanswered questions;

  3. Start writing as soon as you are ready, and keep writing until you get what you want;

  4. Commit to a writing routine with detailed schedule and goals on everyday even when you are not willing to;

  5. Don’t afraid to make mistakes, to receive negative feedback, or even to start all over again;

  6. Create a story with characters, main plot, logical structures, and don’t forget the dramas;

  7. Come up in prior with an ending in order to have a clear and right direction to stick to till the end;

  8. Ask for advice from the people in the field, or read more books of your genre.

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