How to create an invitation to send via text?

01 December 2022 By papmall®

Online invitations are a new trending way of inviting people to your special events in the digital era. With the benefits of no need to know the person’s physical and email address; avoiding being ignored in the email box/mailbox; presenting as a fast and reliable way of sending things; being a more cost- effective, time-efficient, and effortless way to sending invitations, text message invitations, or also called e-invitation are increasing in popularity nowadays.

You can create by yourself a beautiful text message invitation on free design platforms online like Canva, Freepik, Adobe Color, Lunacy, Remix, etc., or download an application on your mobile devices to use their already-made invitation templates. Using these platforms, you only need to do some simple steps and it’s all done in minutes.

  1. Import the guest list with their name and contact information;
  2. Choose your favorite templates;
  3. Set up the schedule to send your invitations;
  4. Finally, ask your guests to reply on whether they will be present at the event or not.

Although the letter is a traditional type of invitation, people nowadays tend to prefer e-invitation more because of many reasons such as the convenience; the time and cost savings, the hope to keep the environment as clean as possible; the nice effects in the e-invitation like videos, gifs, pictures, etc; and more.

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