How to add animation to the website?

09 March 2023 By papmall®

Adding animation to a website can be a great way to make it more engaging and visually appealing. Here are the steps for adding Lottie animation to a website:

  • Choose an animation: First, choose an animation that fits the design and purpose of your website. You can find a variety of pre-built animations on platforms like LottieFiles, or you can hire a freelance Lottie animation expert to create a custom animation for you.
  • Download the animation: Once you've chosen an animation, download the JSON file from the LottieFiles website.
  • Add the Lottie library: To use Lottie animation on your website, you'll need to add the Lottie library to your project. You can do this by linking to the Lottie library CDN or by downloading the library and adding it to your project.
  • Include the animation in your website: Add the Lottie animation JSON file to your website's assets folder and include it in your HTML file using the Lottie library.
  • Control the animation: Finally, you can control the animation using JavaScript to adjust the speed, playback, and other parameters.

Alternatively, if you're not comfortable working with code, you can hire a freelance Lottie animation service provider to handle the entire process for you. They can create custom animations, integrate them into your website, and ensure that they work seamlessly across all platforms and devices.

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