How much to charge for email marketing freelance?

13 December 2022 By papmall®

First, you must determine the minimum price for your email marketing service. It is the affordable amount of money you can charge per hour, project, week, or however you want to structure your payment period. To do so, you need to know how much money you wish to earn. The figure is entirely up to you, but a great way to start is to calculate how much you would earn as a full-time hire for the same job.

Now, it is time to consider the following methods of pricing for freelance email marketing:

Rate per hour.

It is the right fit for new freelancers or those who don’t want the risk of a fixed fee. With this pricing, your experience level and project complexity will determine the price. In general, hourly rates for freelance email marketing range from $25 to $100.

Rate per Project.

Project-based pricing means charging a flat fee for the entire project. This pricing model is best for one-time projects such as designing and sending a single email campaign. Depending on the project scope, project-based pricing can range from $50 to $5000.

Retainer-Based Pricing.

In other words, you charge a monthly fee for your freelance email marketing services. This pricing method is commonly used for ongoing work, such as managing an email list or sending daily emails. Monthly retainer fees can range from $500 to $5,000.

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