How much does book editing cost?

27 December 2022 By papmall®

The cost of a book editing service can vary from $1,000 to $10,000 per book depending on several different factors, such as the type/genre of the book, how complex and difficult the book is, the experience of the editor, the type of book editing, and more. 

In fact, there are factors that you can rely on to estimate book editing cost. They are:

  • The type of editing: there are developmental editing, basic copy editing, and proofreading editing. The highest pay and also the hardest editing is the developmental editing, the basic copy editing will cost you less, and the last one with the most inexpensive price is the professional editing.
  • The number of pages/words: Since book editing includes checking errors and minor mistakes in every word, the longer the book is, the higher the price of editing will take.
  • The complexity of the genre: Editing a self-help book will need less skills and experience than an academic work with tons of data and research. Fixing a fiction novel will take less time and effort than a cyclopedia about insects.
  • The deadline: The price of a book editing service will be charged by the hours or days of work, the sooner you want to have it, the higher the price one will need to pay.
  • The author's experience in writing the book: The more experience the author has, the book will be written closer to the standard of a good book, and the less time and effort the book editor needs to edit it. That’s why experienced editors often charge higher than other levels.
  • Other requirements from the author, if any.
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