How many seconds of copyrighted video can I use?

02 March 2023 By papmall®

As a freelance lyrics & music video creator, it's important for you to learn and adhere to the copyright laws of the present country. When it comes to using copyrighted video footage, using any amount of copyrighted material without permission is considered an infringement.

However, there are certain instances where using short clips of the copyrighted material is considered fair use, such as for commentary, criticism, or news reporting. In these cases, the length of the clip used should be limited and have a clear purpose of not for the benefit of yourself. Besides, giving credit to the rightful owner of the video is a must to show that you are using the copyrighted video, not for commercial purposes of yourself.

To avoid copyright infringement, it's best to have permission from the rightful owner before using their copyrighted material. Alternatively, you can use royalty-free or creative commons licensed footage in your videos.

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