How do I get a job editing books at home?

27 December 2022 By papmall®

Most book editors started their careers with a degree in literature, journalism, or communications, etc. Those all prove that the book editor has completed a training course in necessary fields, such as technical and creative writing, drafting, reviewing, and publishing.

However, whether you already have a qualification or not, in this highly competitive era, you still need to prove that you are qualified enough in terms of both capability and attitude in this career by: 

  1. Learn more additional training courses in the related field.
  2. Build your own portfolio with a practical project of book editing that you did by yourself.
  3. Keep updating your portfolio and improve it continuously with the help of people around you to double-check your work.
  4. Apply for editorial assistant positions 
  5. Seek editorial and publishing opportunities as soon as possible.
  6. Promote yourself on freelance marketplaces on the internet for even higher opportunities to get a job.

Mentioning a marketplace to look for freelancers, papmall® is one of the most trustworthy e-commerce platforms in the world that freelancers worldwide have gathered to promote themself and look for their clients. With all the policies in terms of quality, safety, and convenience, papmall® has promised to provide its buyer and seller client a professional working environment that help them thrive far in the future.  

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