How do I design a brochure? / How to do brochure design?

01 December 2022 By papmall®

You can design a brochure by following these steps:

  • Figure out your brand identity

Figure out who you want to appear to your audience and try to achieve that. Knowing your brand's vision is essential, you must consider your business as a person that has its own personality and characteristics, then the picture of your brand identity will be clearer and easier to be found out. Without your brand identity, all of the elements in your brand guideline including logo, color scheme, tone of voice, etc cannot be created.

  • Define your ideal audience

Before designing a brochure, you must determine who you're designing for. Different types of audiences demand different designing styles, and if you're not clear on who you're designing for, you are wasting your time making unhelpful pieces of promotional content that produce no interaction from the right audience.

  • Invent your brand message

We touched on this earlier, about how critical it is to determine your brand message before designing your brochure. Knowing what you're going to say and how you're going to say it. Because the most useful and interactive way to communicate with your customers is via your brand message. It all boils down to getting to know your customer. It doesn't matter what design you come up with, without a strong, clear message that speaks to your target customers in text and images that make them feel related, your brochure will be nothing more than just a beautiful piece of design.

  • Determine your success metrics

Determine your metrics before you begin designing by articulating what you hope to get from your brochure. Here are a few suggestions:

    • You want to encourage customers to visit a store? Include a coupon or voucher and track how many are used in your store.
    • Are you attempting to direct traffic to your website? Include a unique URL on the booklet and monitor the amount of visitors throughout the campaign.
    • Are you attempting to generate interest in a new product launch? Include a CTA for people to sign up for your email list so they can receive updates and watch how big your list grows during the campaign.
  • Set a budget

Set up your budget per print and make your judgments based on what is the most important. Do you require extra-sturdy brochures? Purchase thicker paper. Do you have a creative suggestion for illustrating one of your points? Consider more expensive inks and printing procedures to bring your images to life. Knowing how much money you have on hand for the design and printing process can help you make the best options for your budget and get the most bang for your buck.

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