How do I create a catchy business name?

27 December 2022 By papmall®

You can create a catchy business name by following the 4 tips:

  1. Make use of acronyms

A popular method for naming your company is to use a set of initials. Many large corporations use acronyms instead of their full names because they are easier to recall. Consider UPS (United Parcel Service) or the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation). So, if your company is called 'Pearce Marketing Agency,' consider abbreviating it to PMA.

  1. Make mash-ups

A mash-up is one of the most inventive ways to produce outstanding business name. Consider two or three terms that are important to you and your company. Can they be integrated in some way, either partially or completely? TripAdvisor, Evernote (from "forever" and "note"), and Netflix (from "internet" and "flicks") are some well-known examples. A name like "SaladGo'' immediately conveys that you own a restaurant that specializes in salads-to-go...all in three syllables.

  1. Get ideas from mythology and literature.

Nike is one of the most recognizable brands...She is the goddess of victory in Greek mythology. Other well-known corporations with mythical names include Oracle, Hermés, and Mars. If you're wondering how to name a business after a mythological figure, we recommend doing some study to see if there's a legendary figure who is related to your firm.

Is there anything you can do with 'Bacchus' to name your brand if you own a wine shop? Or, if you're about to launch a makeup line; perhaps you can channel Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty.

  1. Make use of foreign words

Incorporating a non-native language is another inventive technique to generate business name ideas. This can make your company appear unusual and intriguing to potential clients, as well as unforgettable. Perhaps it's a French-named hair salon or a Japanese-named tea business.

However, in order to create a professional business name, you will need support from experts to do the analysis and research for you. You can find these experts on papmall®, an e-commerce platform for freelancers around the world. You can find services in multi industries such as Business, Marketing, IT or Media. This platform has been well-established in America, Canada, Singapore, and Hong Kong.

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