How can I do freelance illustration?

01 December 2022 By papmall®

If you are an office illustrator who has your full-time position in a company, then all you need when stepping into a new path of this career are a stable financial condition, and a strong mind to face and overcome any of the upcoming challenges in this career. You are lucky enough to have projects for your own portfolio and your existing clients, which is your former network member for the freelance career.

But if you are a newbie, who wants to turn into this career from another job title, then the first thing you need to figure out is to determine if this is actually what you want to keep up with from now on not. Like any other career, nothing is impossible, and nothing is easy as well. If the answer is “Yes”. Then here is things you need to do from now:

  • Learn and develop illustration skill and knowledge.
  • Whether you already have your artistic ability or not, try hard to improve yourself everyday with practice and freelance projects.
  • Keep up with the knowledge that you are having your chance to approach in this digital era, keep up with the newest trend and the tools and skill set people use to do their work.
  • Continuously find new ways of improving your understanding of things.
  • And better, try to learn new things from related industries such as marketing, digital marketing, and other design fields as well.

An illustrator can work as a graphic designer, an illustrator, a visual artist, and so on. They also have positions in various industries like advertising, publishing, filming, gaming, and many more opportunities in this job title. If you are determined to become an illustrator, you are definitely welcome into a bright career ahead.

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