What to write in a testimonial?

13 February 2023 By papmall®

Testimonials help tip the scales in your favor. The thinking goes, they add gravitas to your website, triggering conformity bias and making prospective customers trust you enough to purchase. Without further ado, here's our quick rundown of what to write in a testimonial:

  • Think of what your testimonial is about.

A great testimonial should draw the reader into a story. Start with determining the feeling you want to evoke in your audience, the problems they consistently face, what they do to solve them, and ultimately the benefits they reap when using your products or services.

Once you've identified the narrative you want to build, you can decide what content works best for the current campaign.

  • Ask specific questions.

Asking questions is the first step to unriddling “What to write in a testimonial?”. It is a powerful tool for instructing customers to give the information you would include in your testimonial. Use a clear set of questions to build authentic stories that confirm some truth about your offering. They must also be specific and open-ended so that you can unearth as much information as possible.

  • Be concise and conversational.

A testimonial should be no more than two or three paragraphs long. To write a good one, put yourself in your prospects' shoes. Do not focus too much on your products and services so that your marketing messaging does not sound pushy or self-serving.

The reviews should be easy to digest, concise, and connect with potential customers. They should be written in the client's voice lest they come across as too formal or technical.

  • Use real names and images.

You should probably include your client's name in your testimonial to make it as authentic as possible. This practice will assist future customers in naming the story your company is imparting. Photographic images are also integral to effective storytelling as they solicit a response from your customers. You can use before-and-after photos or product images with the company logo to prove the value of your product or service.

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