How to cancel an order

14 July 2022 By papmall®

If you have an issue with an order and would like to cancel, just go to “My Purchase” and hit the Cancel button, or contact Customer Support. Remember to communicate with your Seller before that, if you can reach a Mutual Cancellation, it would be beneficial for both parties.


  1. Log in => My Purchase => Choose the Product/Service that you would like to cancel.

  2. Explain why you would like to cancel the order > Continue.

  3. Your request will be submitted and sent to the Seller.

  4. Your seller has up to 48 hours to accept or decline your cancelation request
    Note: See your open dispute within the Order page. Here you also have the option to withdraw the dispute.

  5. If no response is received after 72 hours, the order is automatically canceled. The order will appear as Buyer-requested cancellations.


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