Can freelancers apply for Seller Accounts?

13 August 2022 By papmall®

Yes, every freelancer is encouraged to open a Seller Account on papmall®. Being a Seller on papmall® comes with many benefits, we offer global connections between Buyers and Sellers around the world so that you can cooperate easily, and we do it with just an economical fee compared to other players in this field.

More than that, papmall® understands life is miscellaneous and you might want to be your own agency as well as collaborate with more freelancers. That is why at papmall®, you can be a Seller and a Buyer at the same time. Your papmall® account is the primary profile when you login to and your Seller Account is a different profile using a separate domain . You can switch between the two profiles very easily with just a click.

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