What are some Australian cultural values?

02 November 2022 By papmall®

Australian history has an impact on Australian cultural values. The cultural values that Australians hold today have been shaped by colonial settlement, the British monarchy's influence, an inflow of new immigrants, and linguistic globalization. Australians have been able to establish ideals that they hold dear, such as equality, mateship, antiauthoritarianism, and larrikinism, as a result of these historical occurrences.

The egalitarian value is the most important one. This philosophy asserts that all persons are created equal and deserve the same chances and rights. In contrast to the United Kingdom, where social circles have been built around strict hierarchies, class distinctions are much less important in Australian society. On the other hand, those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds tend to not view themselves as being less equal to those from higher socioeconomic backgrounds.

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