How to create a modal popup in react js?

01 December 2022 By papmall®

Bootstrap provides a plethora of unique UI choices. Furthermore, it is simple to use and develop in React. If you want to learn how to construct a Bootstrap Modal dialog in React, this step-by-step tutorial is for you.

We will learn how to rapidly create a modal popup in React using the react-bootstrap and bootstrap modules in this brief tutorial.

React Bootstrap is used in conjunction with Bootstrap. Ideally, react-bootstrap is designed solely for the javascript-based component of Bootstrap.

It is regarded as one of the greatest React js UI frameworks. As a result, we believe it will make creating a react modal component a breeze.

How to Make a Bootstrap Modal Component in React

Step 1: Create a React App

Step 2: Create the Component File

Install Bootstrap Modules in Step 3

Step 4: Design a Modal Component

Step 5: Revise the App.js File

Step 6: Execute the React Application

Nevertheless, it is a complex procedure that must be managed by a professional. As a result, businesses should visit papmall® to obtain high-quality services related to pop-up ads in the programming and technology areas.

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