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What sellers need to show to buyers on papmall®

By papmall® 08 December 2022

What sellers need to show to buyers on papmall®

By papmall® 08 December 2022

A. Product description

Only when accompanied by a brand are product descriptions and introductions valid. Additionally, when landing on your store, Google values good product descriptions that are easy to navigate and comprehend. Since the search engine and your customers appreciate it, a well-crafted product description will always pay you back.

Well-written product descriptions can grow online sales

Well-written product descriptions can grow online sales.

So, let's dig deeper into the seven pillars of impeccable PAP descriptions:

1. The K.I.S.S principle

K.I.S.S stands for Keep It Short and Simple. If you want prospects to remember what they read, focus on key messages and use multi-sensory metaphors to deliver all the information needed without overwhelming them. Simplicity aids greatly in this, but other factors, such as alliteration or rhyming, may also make your descriptions memorable.

2. Psychology in the product description.

Guilt is what shoppers sometimes feel, whether before or after a purchase. Even when buying for themselves, many feel like they are wasting money. As a result, your product descriptions should help customers feel confident about their choice.

3. Plagiarism avoidance.

Although content duplication is acceptable, you must rewrite carefully to avoid jeopardizing your SEO efforts. Plagiarism is a serious issue that must be handled with caution and tact, as it can bring a business to its knees.

4. Keywords

More than 50% of buyers rely on Google to find and get what they need. As a result, choosing the right keywords is an essential attribute for online visibility. While an optimized title tag is usually sufficient, including keywords in the product description facilitates more effective SEO.

5. Buying contexts

We want customers to not only buy the product but also to feel as if they are purchasing a "lifestyle" - an added spiritual dimension of the product. It is what will keep customers coming back for more.

6. SEMRush content strategy

By SEMRush strategy, papmall® means mentioning events or high-profile figures that have used or are currently loving your product (thought leaders in a relevant community group).

7. Call to action

Call-to-action is essential in product descriptions because your ultimate goal is to sell. Invest time in customer psychology, such as fear of missing out, to coin an irresistible phrase that encourages your audience to take deliberate action.

Product specifics boost credibility. There is no such thing as including too much technical information in the description. Hence, be as specific as you can. Here are some details you can use to describe your PAP:

  • Its purpose (What problem does it solve?)
  • How it works
  • Delivery method
  • Its price
  • How it compares to other alternatives
  • Its strengths and limitations
  • Other products that might complement it
  • What benefits come with it? For example, increasing revenue, raising awareness, or reducing operating expenses.

B. Seller profile

1. Brief description

Display your information to help customers know you better.

Display your information to help customers know you better.

  • Level-setting

Level-setting is about highlighting the scope and scale of your career and responsibilities. By including this information, your clients can quickly calibrate your PAP to see if it matches their needs. For example:

Digital Marketing Expert with over 5 years of experience in digital marketing, including lead generation, market research, and affiliate marketing.

  • Value proposition

This portion allows you to provide the key result(s) that demonstrate your ability to resolve a problem. Add eye-opening stats to cement what you can deliver based on previous experiences. For example:

Generated revenue of $1M while serving as a strategic marketing consultant.

  • Professional branding

Ask yourself this question. "What distinguishes me from someone else who is equally qualified in this field?" Answering this, you will stand out and get ahead of your competitors.

Continuing with the example: Experience building digital marketing campaigns from scratch for two separate organizations and transforming one IT startup from cost to profit center.

Incorporate all of them in one paragraph, and you should have a profile that sounds like this:

Digital Marketing Expert with over 5 years of experience in digital marketing, including lead generation, market research, and affiliate marketing. Generated revenue of $1M while serving as a strategic marketing consultant. Experience building digital marketing campaigns from scratch for two separate organizations and transforming one IT startup from cost to profit center.

The result is a short but impactful and informative executive pitch that should pique any reader's interest. There isn't a single unsubstantiated claim, and the proven track record is easily accessible.

Write a service description that sells

Write a service description that sells.

2. Degrees, and certificates to prove your skills

List the title of each certification as a pointer under the heading "Certifications," using the same font you used on the portfolio. Make sure to spell out any abbreviations and to type the name correctly. You might want to include a list of the specific skills associated with the certification, explaining its significance and answering any questions your clients may have.

3. Demo of your previous project

Start by highlighting two or three capabilities you are most proud of, and make sure they are relevant to the audience's needs and experiences. Remember that your credibility is also at stake. Finish the demo by showing how the project resolves a problem rather than walking through a process.

4. Customer feedback

Most customers are eager to share their thoughts on why they love you and what could make them love you even more, but many will not do that unless you ask them. They want to know that you are interested! So, whatever you want to learn more about your customers, start by asking the question.

5. Customer ratings

Online reviews are the modern media world-of-mouth, so the more stars you have, the more potent it becomes. An item rated 4.5/5 by 10 people will not sell as well as an item rated 4/5 by 300 people. More reviews make your PAP look better, are more convincing, and increase your visibility when someone searches for it on papmall®.

Higher levels of customer satisfaction lead to higher profits

Higher levels of customer satisfaction lead to higher profits.

C. About papmall®

With an immense increase in service purchases since its inception in June 2019, papmall®- the international e-commerce platform for SMBs - has gained more trust and love from buyer clients of all types and sizes from around the world. In pursuit of this goal, papmall® has continued to innovate and improve itself to provide these benefits to partners: service quality, security and convenience experience, and the innovative platform it is today.


papmall® Team

papmall® - an international e-commerce platform that not only provides online shoppers a simple, secure, and enjoyable online shopping experience but also plays as a solution for global vendors to optimize sales revenue.

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