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5 Types of music that increase your productivity

By papmall® 18 October 2022

5 Types of music that increase your productivity

By papmall® 18 October 2022

Music plays an indispensable role in our lives, it entertains us, soothes our hearts, helps us relax, dispels chase away our sorrows, helps us recall memories and can even increase our productivity. However, not as many people think, music cannot directly affect our productivity, which means we don’t automatically get more jobs done in a short period of time or something. Instead, according to other recognized and agreed upon scientific studies, the benefits of music have been proven to help us:

  • Be inspired
  • Be happy
  • Increase problem-solving ability
  • Release stress
  • Memorize things better
  • Mitigate memories in short term

The impact of music on our productivity varies by the types of music we listen to. In order to understand more deeply on which types of music can increase our productivity, let’s find out in the article below about 5 types of music that increase your productivity.

Instrumental music

Instrumental music is widely known as one in 5 types of music for helping us focus when studying

Instrumental music is widely known as one in 5 types of music for helping us focus when studying.

Instrumental music is what we call music with no lyrics. Indeed, in 5 types of music that increase your productivity, everytime we talk about the benefits of listening to music for increasing our IQ, or productivity, classical music is always the top one to be mentioned.

The most well-known theory about classical music is “The Mozart Effect'', which was published in 1993. The study claims that listening to classical music improves mood and increases people's visual thinking ability within 15-20 minutes.

For some people, music with lyrics is distracting. Studies have shown that certain noise ​​in the real work environment is not the cause of distraction, but rather the words or lyrics are what makes us have to try to focus on to figure them out, and finally distract us from the work.

Compared to music with lyrics, listening to an instrument seems to be a better option to stay focused in a period of time, you won't need to recall the lyrics to sing along to the singer, and you won't be distracted from your work.

Natural sound

The second most mentioned in 5 types of music that increase your productivity is the sound of nature. Based on a scientific paper titled ' Natural Sound Facilitates Mood Recovery ' in 2014, researchers show that just like the visual exposure to a natural setting, auditory stimuli with natural sounds may also help with recovery from stress, inattention fatigue, behavior, and a variety of processes and outcomes related to health and well-being.

Another Science Researcher at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS), titled ' It's True 'Sounds of Nature Help Us Relax ' in 2017, also reported that when listening to nature sounds, resting activity of the brain and the rest-digest autonomic nervous system will be activated. Moreover, this also turns the brain's attention outward, meaning you tend to receive information more, more comfortable with digesting and receiving new things, as well as tend to be happier.

It is the reason why we sleep better when listening to the sound of rain, feel better when listening to birds every morning, and are more relaxed when listening to the sound of the ocean waves.

Natural sound push productivity by helping you relax and increasing your mood

Natural sound push productivity by helping you relax and increasing your mood

Music you enjoy

In a 2011 scientific study called The Neuroscience of Music , researchers claimed that listening to the music we love causes the brain to release more of the dopamine hormone, also known as the happy hormone. This dopamine hormone has been known to be produced everytime we do things like sleeping, exercising, or seeing the one you love, etc.

Besides, a study from professor Teresa Lesiuk from the department of music therapy at the University of Miami shows that a person's song choice at work is significantly important, especially when they are not very skilled in their role. Her study shows that people who listened to their favorite music while working completed projects faster than those who didn't.

Listening to our favorite music makes us feel happy and increases our productivity

Listening to our favorite music makes us feel happy and increases our productivity.

Cinematic music

In 5 types of music that increase your productivity, the cinematic one must be the most surprising element to appear on the list for many people.

Have you ever felt inspired listening to the theme song of a movie? If you're a movie lover, we guess the answer is probably YES. Indeed, listening to the original soundtrack of a movie, especially one you love while working can really inspire and make you feel like you're on your way to saving the world. Knowing that you are a big responsibility on the role, you will not be able to ignore and focus 100% on your work. From there, increase the ability to create and work efficiency significantly.

Cinematic music can inspire us to be more responsible in our work

Cinematic music can inspire us to be more responsible in our work.

Music that has slow tempo

Songs that have a slow tempo or songs that don't have any twists are known to help you focus deeply on a specific period of time. Study has also found that music with slow tempo helps in slowing our breathing and heart rate, thus, it makes us feel more relaxed and stay more focused on what we are doing.

It is said that when we get into the not-so-fast tempo of a song, our mind stays in it, depends on it and lets it lead us into a space where we are alone with only our thoughts and music. Inside that space, there will be very little sound or noise that can get in between our thoughts. Music with lots of twists or lots of ups and downs and choruses, on the contrary, we easily interrupt our thoughts.

Music with slow tempo keeps our heart rate stable and helps us focus

Music with slow tempo keeps our heart rate stable and helps us focus.


Music has a positive influence on the human mind when we use it the right way. The benefits of music have been long verified through many science researches, and also through our personal approach. Through the relationship between listening to music and work performance, it is also proven that excellent workers are often happy, relaxed and inspired workers.

Through the article about the top 5 types of music that increase your productivity, the papmall® team also wants to message our viewers to find joy in work, and find work that can bring joy to yourself If you want to finish your job with the best performance.



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